Living is about experiencing life, not thinking about it.

Meet the ambitious women who’ve explored the edges of what’s possible in human relationship, human healing, and human potential.

close up on the face of a dark haired woman

“Nicole has an innate ability to make each person she comes into contact with feel supported and seen.

She’ll take you from feeling as though you’re not enough, to being able to see the opportunities and choices available to you. The only regret you’ll have is not taking yourself seriously and investing in yourself sooner!”



“I’m so excited for the woman who gets to embark on this life-changing journey.

Nicole does an incredible job of balancing “hand on your back” support, compassionate accountability, and grounded advice that encourages you to step into the person you were truly meant to be, and pursue the life you want.”


woman hiking standing in front of a lake and mountain

“I trust Nicole Whiting implicitly. 

She is the best combination of tough and loving. What she will NOT allow you to do is stagnate and stay stuck. What she WILL do is create real changes in your life. You will wonder why it took so long for you to change. It's not a move you will ever regret.”


woman in pink sweater on white chair

“Working with Nicole was one of the best decisions I made in the last 2 years. She helped me navigate some of my toughest times and helped me see what was possible for myself before I ever could.  If you are even thinking about it, just say YES.”


woman hiking down gravel road

“It's hard to find the right words to accurately describe the profound impact Nicole has on her clients.

Her impact is positive and lasting. Nicole guides her clients through modalities that produce growth, relational development, self awareness and ultimately transformation. 

Her ability to actively listen to her clients is her superpower. Nicole is fully present and dependable; her client’s feel that every step of the way. Her unique approach of combining somatic techniques, cognitive shifts, active listening and talk coaching gives her clients the tools to thrive. 

The work isn’t always comfortable, but Nicole’s compassion, empathy and wit makes doing the work feel safe and at many times even fun. Nicole has guided me to achieve the micro goals and the marathon goals (literally and figuratively.) I am proud of the hard work I have done with Nicole and forever grateful.”


blond woman smiling and looking away from camera
close up of dark haired woman's face

“Before I invested in 1:1 coaching I was nervous that the experience would be similar to therapy. I was longing for a dialogue, a conversation, not just someone to listen. 

My experience surpassed any concern and any expectation. One of the first changes I noticed was calmness. I also had a longing to move my body, to stand when sitting was an option, to find my mindfulness in movement.

My life would be drastically different without coaching with Nic. The way I approach life, relationships, my outlook, my view on movement, and most of all I have gained a wise soul in my life.

She helped me believe that I’ll be ok, and that I can tackle hard things. I've tried life coaching and trainers, Nic has an ability to combine the two with a loving but firm voice.

Beyond that, I have not only gained a resource (and dear friend) in my life, but I've also gained a community of women that I admire, look up to, and long to hear their stories and experiences.”


woman in striped tank smiling at camera

“I definitely wouldn't have been able to take on challenges like the Zion half marathon if it wasn't for Nicole’s guidance, support, and advice.

I feel more confident when it comes to taking on bigger challenges and I’ve really made myself a priority.

Beyond the physical goals, a lot of your advice on the motherhood front has helped me pause in the moments when I feel myself activated with my kids. What’s most helpful to me has been getting direct advice and tools for these moments.

What I found most valuable is the combination of the big picture advice and the in-the-moment toolkit. I also often ask myself “how am I not resourced in this moment,” and that to me is a Nicole-ism.”


woman with backpack standing on mountain

“Downloading all of my thoughts in a therapist office often resulted in silence or one word/phrase responses. The coaching environment allows for a responsive relationship of listening, questioning, and offering tools/perspective to lead me to answers, next steps and better understanding. Since I began coaching with Nicole, my capacity to pause rather than have an immediate reactive response has expanded.”

- LIZ S.

blond woman smiling and posing
blond woman selfie in car

“I’m not even sure how to put into words what I find most valuable about coaching with Nicole.

I've tried therapy numerous times, really without the results I desired. Nicole has been able to hold space for me through some very difficult life events and coach me on family issues, long held beliefs about myself, choices I've made, my relationship with food and eating - and more. She wades into the muck with me, when appropriate she really pushes me, and helps me shift my beliefs about whatever we might be coaching on.

Through 1:1 coaching my perspective has completely shifted. I feel like my brain is more flexible and has learned how to view my thoughts from a distance. Even when that's hard for me to do on my own, Nicole is able to walk me through different ways of thinking that always lead me down a more positive path! I feel a lightness.

I am endlessly grateful for Nicole’s presence in my life! Her help, compassion, and wisdom have helped me change my life!”


picture of woman in front of flower bush

“The first change I noticed when I started working with Nicole was feeling I had more availability of choice.

I tended to look at things in more black and white terms, but after a few sessions working with her, I was able to understand there were a lot more options out there. I also noticed a change in how I "time traveled" - how I lived in the past and future but not in the present. 

Nicole showing me that pattern helped me take steps to be more mindful of what is going on right now and helped ease my anxiety. I’m now able to step back and look at the bigger picture. I have the ability to better separate my emotions from my thoughts and the stories I'm making things mean.

I was initially worried about the cost — but the long-term gains in investing in myself have been beyond anything that money can buy. Nicole will be your guide and also isn’t afraid to let you know when she notices patterns that aren’t serving you.

Nicole’s unwavering support is real. She truly does have your back - she cares, she roots for you and she wants the best for what you want in life.”


mountain face with evergreen trees
woman and her small black dog

“Nicole listens VERY well and she picks up on the little things that I don't even realize I'm saying or doing, and she is able to expand on them and help me consider a different approach or way of thinking, or to see things from a different perspective.

Since our sessions began, I am paying more attention to myself in my body, to stillness, to the present, to where and how I carry stress internally, and much more.

I'm learning to not be so hard on myself by insisting I have to have a ‘purpose’ or chasing others’ dreams instead of my own, or comparing myself to others.

And I’m digging into the concept of stillness more and am excited about what that will invite into my life.

Honestly the only hesitation I had was that coaching is not reimbursable by my insurance company while ‘therapy’ is. But I find our work together very valuable and worth the cost/investment in myself.

I wish the earlier version of me had understood that lots of little shifts in mindset can make a big difference! And that coaching is FUN ( I wish I could do it every week!)”


selfie shot of woman with dark hair

“I've done one-on-one and group coaching before. When it comes to incorporating mind, body and movement, Nicole is the best in the business.

I was hesitant about sharing too much of myself but I needn't have worried. We went at my pace and I trust Nicole implicitly–she is my ride or die. I wish my pre-coaching self knew that you don’t have to have a particular “goal” to achieve, or “problem” to solve.

This is about learning and getting to know myself. It’s so much deeper than “fixing” a one-off problem. 

One of the first changes I noticed was my ability to take a step back and look at any situation with more objectivity - like a supportive, compassionate observer. And as our sessions progressed, I became so much better able now to stand back and really consider what is going on with me. 

I'm no longer trying to "fix" myself. I'm seeing where I have agency and I'm curious about thoughts I have and decisions I make.”



Private 1:1 (e)Motion Coaching

woman standing on top of mountain

Private 1:1 coaching is designed to explore the disconnect between external achievements and internal fulfillment, and uncover strategies to bridge the gap.

Changing your life to live more fully is challenging. You need a cheerleader who believes in you and a coach who knows how to motivate you (while holding you accountable).

My goal is to hold you at your greatest value and walk you through each step of your journey without judgment or shame.

Ready to begin your journey?