Hey! I’m Nicole.

A clinically trained (e)Motion Coach & PhD student in Developmental Coaching dedicated to helping ambitious women build a new relationship to their thoughts, stories, and emotional experiences.

Nicole Whiting, a blond woman, sitting on a stool, smiling and facing the camera


I became a life coach after crossing the finish line of my first Ironman.

In 2015, I asked myself: If I were to die tomorrow, how would I feel about how I’ve lived my life?


That question felt vulnerable and scary, but I also knew in that moment I could no longer look myself in the eye and tell myself I was ok.

Well, let me backtrack for a minute…

The turmoil began a few months earlier, when the adoption of my daughter through the foster system brought unresolved traumas bubbling to the surface. I was left with a choice — find the courage to face my past — or continue my downward spiral.

It all came into focus one afternoon as I looked for a way to pass the eight hours she spent in school (two hours from our home), when I came upon a notice of an upcoming Ironman.

Up to this point, I’d trained for marathons, but when it came to swimming, the best I could do was keep myself afloat. So, the thought of 2.4 miles in open water was daunting to say the least.

But, with hours to fill and eager for a way to work through my feelings, I found myself at a fork in the trail.

A woman in a blue rain jacket and backpack is looking at a waterfall coming down a mountain

I could continue to self-abandon for the sake of not disappointing those around me, or I could learn to get comfortable becoming unapologetic and begin to develop a confident relationship to uncertainty.


Blond woman smiling at the camera.
a mountain range at sunrise

What if cultivating the belief in my truth, my honesty, and the things that are important to me disappointed people I loved?

By staking my claim in Ironman, I officially put my needs first and chose the latter.

Over nine months of training, I learned to feel safe in my body and my mind as I processed my trauma through movement. I started to open up and experience healing in ways that blew me wide open.

In choosing myself, I may have tossed a metaphorical match into my life, sat back and said: will it all burn down, or will I figure it out?

But, I knew one thing for sure — I had to trust that I was going to be ok.

Because here’s what I’ve learned: Things work in your life until they don’t.

But once you’re able to recognize what’s not working — you have an opportunity to face it.

It takes courage to process the things that have happened in your life, and do the work to heal yourself from them.

To break the unhealthy patterns.

To start showing up for yourself.

To have your own back.

To intentionally decide who you want to be TODAY.

Grabbing hold of this opportunity is what I'm most proud of because it made me a better friend, wife, mother, and I decided right then and there to live life.


Betting on myself was the moment everything morphed from black and white into color.

And now I’m ready to place my bet on you.

A close up shot of a dark haired woman who is a one on one coaching client

“My life would be drastically different without coaching with Nic.

The way I approach life, relationships, my outlook, my view on movement, and most of all I’ve gained a wise soul in my life.”


mountain range in the sun
Blond woman facing the camera in green jacket


BECAUSE you have no problem determining what everyone around you needs or feels, but cannot for the life of you figure out what it is you need or want.

BECAUSE you’re fed up with fighting the battle between who others think you should be vs. who you WANT to become.

BECAUSE between the self-help books, podcasts, TedX talks, and Landmark-esque seminars — you’re doing more consuming than living — and it shows.


Women who want to create more awareness in their life and move towards what they care about most.*

(*even if they’re not quite sure what that is just yet.)

Blond woman laughing on a green couch.

I do this through The Integration Process, the transformative mind-body approach to coaching I created after working with hundreds of women just like you that provides a balance of in-depth processing, action-focused practices, and “hand on your back” support.

Together we’ll work through my eight C’s to overcome obstacles, achieve goals, transform stuck patterns, and improve your relationships.

woman in striped tank top smiling

“I feel more confident when it comes to taking on bigger challenges and I’ve really made myself a priority.

I definitely wouldn't have been able to take on challenges like the Zion half marathon if it wasn't for Nicole’s guidance, support, and advice. I feel more confident when it comes to taking on bigger challenges and I’ve really made myself a priority.

What I found most valuable is the combination of the big picture advice and the in-the-moment toolkit. I also often ask myself “how am I not resourced in this moment,” and that to me is a Nicole-ism 😊.”



Private 1:1 (e)Motion Coaching

woman in a backpack hiking in the mountains

Private 1:1 coaching is designed to explore the disconnect between external achievements and internal fulfillment, and uncover strategies to bridge the gap.

Changing your life to live more fully is challenging. You need a cheerleader who believes in you and a coach who knows how to motivate you (while holding you accountable).

My goal is to hold you at your greatest value and walk you through each step of your journey without judgment or shame.

Want to know what it’s like to work with me?

Check out what Britt Frank, Kristin McGee, and many happy clients have to say.

brown haired woman posing for camera

“Nicole has an innate ability to make each person she comes into contact with feel supported and seen.”

“She’ll take you from feeling as though you’re not enough, to being able to see the opportunities and choices available to you. The only regret you’ll have is not taking yourself seriously and investing in yourself sooner!”



“I’m so excited for the woman who gets to embark on this life-changing journey.”

“Nicole does an incredible job of balancing “hand on your back” support, compassionate accountability, and grounded advice that encourages you to step into the person you were truly meant to be, and pursue the life you want.”


blond woman smiling big and looking away from the camera
two women showing the mountain range tattoos on their forearms

If you’re still reading this far down, you probably want to know a little bit more about me.

Let’s dive into a few fun facts:

When I was 16, my dad refused to let me get my bellybutton pierced, so I showed him by getting my first tattoo. Number three came this past year (2022) on a trip with a friend to NYC as a reminder to “be where your feet are.”

Nature first stole my heart along the north fork of the Clearwater River where I used to fly fish as a kid — it also happens to be where I learned to ride a motorcycle — in a dress.

Two years ago, I went back to school for my doctorate as a PsyD student in Somatic Psychology, but I’ve switched to pursue my Phd in Developmental Coaching to research Adult Friendships and their impact on our well-being. I was 40 when I started, and there’s a good chance it’ll take me 8 years.

I was thrown in jail in Tijuana when I was 19 years old. 10/10 would not recommend.

At 25, I was diagnosed with a degenerative disc disease and was told I wouldn't be able to continue running. Turns out they were dead wrong. I’ve since run over 10 ultras, dozens of marathons, too many half marathons to count and completed an Ironman.

female posing with her medal after finishing Ironman
young blonde child on a dirt bike

Ready to begin your journey?